The Golden Rule
Can you believe it! This is the last you will hear me using the phrase, The 52 Weeks of Agronomy.
Unless I turn it into a made for TV movie or a fiction novel and travel the world doing book signings.
I don’t think that is happening anytime soon. I tried to watch the video I made for week 27 and convinced myself the only saving grace was I didn’t take my clothes off. It’s so bad I’m not even putting a link to it. My family is still petitioning me to remove the link to it altogether.
It has been a wild journey getting to this point. After taking some time and re-reading several of the posts, I can say I’ve laughed, cried, and wondered” What the heck was I thinking when I wrote that!?
However, one thing keeps coming to mind when I look back over the last 52 weeks.
Soil, much like people, follows one golden rule. You know, that rule we all heard about as kids.
Treat other’s the same way you want to be treated
Or, in agronomic terms
Give back to the soil what you have taken from it
It’s that simple. There is no complicated formula, no fancy terminology needed, no industry jargon to convolute and be confused by. Just give back what you have taken.
Why should you give back…?
Soil is selfish, and plants are horny
To keep soil productive and plants reproducing you have to continually manage the fertility needs of both. Giving soil back what it needs to support the plant's recreational activities that ultimately benefit us.
That’s it — nothing more, nothing less.
Just a simple exercise of reciprocity between the farmer and the land using all the information we've covered over the last 52 weeks